Challenge: Do something good without telling a soul.
How hard will this be for you? Let’s break down the three things this requires and show you how simple and rewarding this truly can be. In fact, I 100% believe that you will find this more enriching and exciting than telling the world.
Step 1: Finding something good to do.
This can honestly be anything that you feel fits the bill. But here are a few ideas to spark your thoughts.
- Volunteer — sign up, commit, follow through, smile
- Make a donation to a local organization you want to support
- Buy your friends coffee/beer/tea
- Donate some of your old clothes
- Send an anonymous gift
Step 2: DO IT!
Step 3: Don’t tell anybody.
Okay — here’s the hard part. We naturally want to talk about this great experience or amazing thing that we’ve done. Most times it’s not because we want the attention/credit for it but just because you want to share your life with people around you. However, in our social media world, there are too many outlets to showcase how good of a person you are and it always falls flat. This is the true test of your willpower here — keep it to yourself.
That’s it. 3 steps to create an experience that is entirely your own and infinitely more meaningful than those littering your news feed. Give it a shot!