Podcasts that are worth your time.
I spend a lot of my time with headphones on. Cooking, cleaning, commuting, running, etc. I love having the opportunity to learn something new or to stretch my beliefs a bit, and I often find podcasts are a great medium for that. So I felt it was only right I share a bit of that part of my world. There’s no set theme to what I listen to — mostly just whatever satiates my hunger for something new.
A few podcasts worth checking out:
Reply All — Easily my favorite podcast. A self-proclaimed ‘show about the internet’ which ends up being about so much more. It’s usually goofy and nerdy but always brings up interesting questions about how technology is impacting society in one way or another. Incredible pieces about real humans out in the world. The two hosts just feel like some of your old friends and every episode manages to pack an awesome story.
Episodes to Check Out: Long Distance (Parts I &II), Boy in Photo, Shipped to Timbuktu
99% Invisible — Roman Mars (the host) could talk about sawdust and I’d be hooked. Beyond his presence, the show unpacks some of the most interesting topics in design and everyday life, usually little concepts that we overlook on a daily basis. They dive into concepts like why birth control comes in its current packaging, how an emoji is introduced/approved and how much work goes into designing the little details of a movie set.
Episodes to Check Out: Person in Lotus Position, Repackaging the Pill, Sounds Natural
WorkLife with Adam Grant —Adam Grant’s reputation should give you enough cause to check this out but if that’s not enough, imagine having insights from years of research into how to improve your relationship with your job. That’s what this is — It’s practical and useful with real examples from actual organizations. A great 20-minute way to start off your Wednesday when new episodes come out.
Episodes to Check Out: The Problem with All-Stars, Your Hidden Personality
The Butterfly Effect — Jon Ronson’s series about the wide-ranging impacts of online porn was one of the most unique and thought-provoking podcasts I listened to this past year. It is weird — Don’t get me wrong. But his sprawling study on the impact this invention is having on our brains and our lives is incredibly well done. Another great road trip listen.
Episodes to Check Out: Start from the beginning and you’ll probably be hooked.
Do You Know Who Jason Segel Is? — Proof that podcasts can be about anything — This hilarious show is simply two comedians calling random people and asking if they know who Jason Segel is. Each episode they call a different state and end up in a weird world of waterbed salesmen, ice cream trucks and Bed Bath and Beyond. Great for a road trip and sure to make you laugh more than a few times.
Episodes to Check Out: South Dakota & Minnesota, Florida